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Analysis of the air transportation market for Angara Airlines


  • Evaluate the perspectiveness of launching regular flights to target areas (Central Asia region, South Korea, China, Mongolia and Japan)
  • Estimate volume and capacity of the market by target areas
  • Analyze the demand on passenger transportation in the indicated directions
  • Describe the competitive situation on air passenger market (including passenger kilometer rate, seasonal fluctuation of tariff, seat occupancy rate)
  • Explore TA (target audience) preferences
  • Highlight the key factors of airline competitiveness
  • Develop recommendations for determining tariffs for target areas
  • Make a market forecast until 2020 and take into account the existing non-market barriers on international flights (appointments, intergovernmental agreements)


  • Analysis of competitors who provide air transportation in target areas
  • Determination of passenger traffic on target directions (current and forecast)
  • Statistical forecasting of the air transportation market within target areas
  • Identification of factors which influence the development of the market and the determination of strength of their influence
  • Conducting surveys of market participants: airline companies and passengers who fly to target destinations

Key results:

  • The competitive positions of companies providing services in the market of passenger air transportation have been identified
  • An assessment of the demand for passenger air transportation services in the medium term is given
  • The structure of the market by directions of air transportation is described
  • Sales channels were identified (direct communication channels with the consumer)
  • Seasonal passenger traffic determined
  • Comparative analysis of prices for services for key market participants was carried out
  • Data has been collected allows making decisions on the opening of flights, their frequency and tariff policy